
On May 20, 2020, Kevin Hayes wrote:

Hi Chris,

I’d like to revive the website you put together a while back, listing the brick streets of Buffalo.

I’d like your permission to use the text and photos. I’m not interested in taking credit for anything, I just think this could be a good resource.

We can add some useful features, too, like tagging and more use of mapping and other geographic capabilities. It’s also usable on a smart phone, necessary in this day and age.

I have a feeling we could add another 10 or 15 brick or stone streets without too much effort.

I’ve accessed the archived copy of your site at, so your source material is readily available.

You may know I started in 2013 and have kept it running and growing since then. Currently there are over 2,100 buildings of preservation concern at what I call The Big List. So I think I can sustain this much more focused website without too much effort.

Kevin Hayes


On May 21, 2020, Chris Andrle wrote:
Hi Kevin,
Go ahead, please feel free to use anything you need. I’m glad to hear of your interest.